Friday 20 January 2012

Create-A-Window Contest

So I was in Tyra's way the other day when we were watching Moshi TV, and she said to me, "Roary, you make a better door than a window." Whoops. I guess I'm not see-through! Anyway, that got me thinking! We've had Create-A-Floor contests and Create-A-Wallpaper contests but we've never had a Create-A-Window contest. So what do ya say? Let's make up some window ideas!

Imagine if you could dream up Monstro City's newest windows! Well now you can! To enter this contest, all you have to do is comment on THIS blog with your window description.

The sky is the limit for your wild and wacky ideas. The winner will have their window design made into ACTUAL windows that will be available at a Monstro City shop. They'll also get a HUGE Rox prize AND some Moshi goodies. What are you waiting for? Start commenting! Good luck!

Yesterday's Random Rox winners are lolo15903, kanalo, and quotta.

Don't forget... Click the Moshi TV logo to check out some of the very latest Moshi TV Producers' videos!

Keep your eyes at hand and to comment go to the daily growl and comment who knows you might be lucky and win a random rox prize

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