Sunday 18 March 2012

Posted by
Roary Scrawl
on March 17, 2012

Hold onto your Shamrocks Lassies & Laddies, 'cause St. Patrick's Day is here! Let's write Moshi limericks to celebrate.

A limerick is a five-lined poem. The last word in the first two lines rhymes with the last word in the last line and the third and fourth lines' last words rhyme with each other. AABBA is the form. Hey, that's my favourite band!

Here's a limerick I wrote about a friend of mine:

There once was a Luvli from Monstro City
Who liked to sing lots of ditties
One day she got hoarse
From Toad Soda of course
Now her voice is not so pretty

Here's a form you can use to help:

I once met a _______ from ______
Every day s/he ________________
But whenever s/he _____
The ________________
That strange _______ from _______.

Here's how to participate:

1) Compose your original Moshi-rific limerick
2) Type it as a COMMENT on THIS blog
3) Sit back and relax and read them as they come in!

A few limerick-writers will receive a BLARNEY STONE sized Rox prize. Note: Thousands of limericks will be submitted but only a few will get a Rox prize.

Keep your eyes at hand...

Roary Scrawl

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